hmm i think it doesnt have any Adult content so you could change it to mature at least but anyway good job
hmm i think it doesnt have any Adult content so you could change it to mature at least but anyway good job
the rating was a mistake... still new to this playground :]
i dont need wards :)
not bad at all he he
Thanks man. :]
you could try adding more to it you know
I know but wanted to keep it real simple, much like the length of a commercial 20-30 seconds.
Oh Hi Mark xD
Hii :3 <3
try harder ...
Only if I get to watch you while I do it.... O___O
what's so funny about takeing a used up scene and remakeing it in another theme ...
Actually, if you go on youtube, there are a lot of remakes of amazing horse (techno, jazz, metal, dubstep etc.), so one more remake should not ruin the original, it will only make it more and more popular as it is :)
Age 34, What do you think?
Somewhere in the Balkans
Joined on 4/3/11