well that went fast good job :D
well that went fast good job :D
Thanks. :)
well this star is for the hard work put into this but now seriously whoever sponsored really needs to get a life and try to find something better to to with his/her time btw this is not an animation so you would have more succes if you put it on youtube to be honest the sound wasent all that great and aside from that the lasers are totally unrealistic and got a little bored from watching like the first half of this....
Radio noooooooooooooooooooo :C D:
Radio is in a better place, now. :'(
good job on the well made animation :D
Thanks :)
well aside from the wierd jokes makeing fun of people with alzheimer is not funny i mean if you think about it what if it was you in that situation where you go someplace and you dont know where you live .....
I'd hope that we can find the humor of any situation. I don't think the comedy for me in this short comes at the expense of people with a horrible disease, but rather the comedy comes from somebody in a position of power who is in no means able to wield it properly.
im sorry man but i cant give u 5 stars because it contains insults poor librarian diden't deserve that ....(nah im JK hes a dk) :D
Damn. I had my reservations about making jokes at the expense of librarians because I knew how controversial it would be and you've now confirmed my concerns. I apologize to the pro-librarian community for my ignorance and insensitivity. #librarianlivesdomatter
it's cool but you forgot one where you go to Mexico and the locals say have a nice day :D and hand you they're wallet :)
i could only include so much :P
good job :D
Thanks! :)
Age 34, What do you think?
Somewhere in the Balkans
Joined on 4/3/11