teh ned ps Happy Birthday flounderman
teh ned ps Happy Birthday flounderman
= 66
this was beyond my expectations also the Megas XLR scene hit me right in the childhood :'( because the show got cancelled D: along with Sim Bionic Titan ....OMG when i heard Gendi Tartacovsky statement how he was furious that it got cancelled i went str8 to twitter to express my feelings towarsds that .......who was CEO of Cartoon Network at that time for what she done to my favourite show.... and to all the animators who made this posible thank you i really enjoy'd it keeping the spirit of Toonami alive ;'( you all did a fantastic job
Some of the best stuff gets cancelled, it's better to have a little bit of something great, than a lot of something mediocre. It might have bee a blessing in disguise.
i think i've seen him before in that game what was it called undertale?
Nah, it was in that untitled goose game
why is the youtube thingy in an animation here on newgrounds .... you know here theres no such thing as censor
These animation is made for youtube but I share here too
Happy Pico day m8
yeah it comes with age .... some say its because of Stalin sindrome where everywhere he looks he sees only enemy's wanting to take him down at any cost thats why he trusts no1
Sounds about right
thanks for the info ill make sure to show this to my friend XD
im not giving u a 5 XDD but instead ill give it a 4,5 for the effort :3
top notch animation Rena he wont be missed <3
The best!
Age 34, What do you think?
Somewhere in the Balkans
Joined on 4/3/11