not everywere in the world ppl eat pork there are some in the middle east how dont eat that kind of meat at all still would rather eat salad than meat :)
not everywere in the world ppl eat pork there are some in the middle east how dont eat that kind of meat at all still would rather eat salad than meat :)
nice refrence to Link from Zelda only thing is this hero can talk and hes being stubborn and fighting Death instead of lvling up .... but for a small payment of 5'99 you can say good bye to lvling and we'll just do it for you i mean phssss who needs lvling when it could go soo good you pay us were finish up thing for you its a win win :D
ok here's an insider on what else you can do if you dont want to live in society ... 1st you can go to the woods isolate yourself from everyone else become one with nature and live off like a wild animal with just your basic instinct 2nd you can change your name forget about your old life and move to another zone if you're tired of same old dull routine and 3rd you have the freedom of doing what you want ... you dont go to a job because you like it you go to it in order to afford your basic human needs(like food cloths shelter light internet etc.) would be nice if we were tax free think of it this way if you oppose the state you get thrown in jail where you are beaten until u "learn" how to go back in the urban Jungle and belive me being a freedom fighter is not easy so you either adapt to the situation or risk haveing whats left of your rights taken away from you and be cast aside or even worse killed, and belive me police brutality is not a thing to be taken lightly
a very well done animation about modern music today no ideea what they're on about but sexualize it so its appealing to the teenagers.... oh were did we go wrong..still good job
Thanks! :)
no thanks i rather eat at KFC even if i know its not good
lol at the end they were like FREEEDOM :D
the weather reporter was so good i couldnt belive my ears its rain all week damnit >__<
still better love story than twilight :)
thats a spambot i get that alot because usually it goes on like hi w/e then it goes in other texts so its more about sending u to a dateing site but them sites have alot of malware so dont go there ....
yea dont worry. it was an actual person texting me back then. i also avoid them too!
nice beatdown too bad that Trickster cheated haha
Age 34, What do you think?
Somewhere in the Balkans
Joined on 4/3/11