so much love for Raymond :D and all the attention he's getting
so much love for Raymond :D and all the attention he's getting
Yeah! He deserved it!
so in other words its GTA style
lol Ash actually talked :D
really deep :) grats
great job wait was that Davis ? who said stop :O glad u added him into the party :D also glad she liked it ^_^
that was amazing great collab and what a finale grats to everyone :D
Yon Hyaku Nijyuu Moyase got it another japanesse word learned :)
would have added to the visual if u made Mr.Krabs a six pack :D
Lol Elon Musket took over Krang's suit from T.M.N,T.
seem's about right
Age 34, What do you think?
Somewhere in the Balkans
Joined on 4/3/11