good thing she found her coin purse :) also nice animation <3
good thing she found her coin purse :) also nice animation <3
Santa's tired of you woman talking sht .... -pulls out the Ak-47- its Holiday's b(*^((es
well its the taught that matters but honestly if it werent the season i would have gave this animation less but also Happy Birthday Johnny <3 (no homo)
how are you still alive? >_>
@Sickdeathfiend is gonna love this :D
how can i break it to ya but ....from big moms 85 kids .... she's not a girl anymore =/
Sorry my dude but when i play lol i dont always pick Smite sometimes i take Ignite ;)
You hit a nerve in my brain hard.
nice goodfellas reference ... there Chutne :)
if the butt fits .....yeah nice thumbnail =/
Age 34, What do you think?
Somewhere in the Balkans
Joined on 4/3/11