Nice and simple game i finish it but while i was playing i had too much gold and each time i forged a legendary gold became useless still was good run thanks
Nice and simple game i finish it but while i was playing i had too much gold and each time i forged a legendary gold became useless still was good run thanks
great game but a little side not medals arent working ... idk why
had fun with this shooter game good job xD
you did a good job altho jump scares were not that scary still good work of art 4/5
sorry m8 i wanted to give your work a good review but like i noticed it's missing something like a mute button also some people might get a little edgy on the first level i tryd it on normal and died like 4 times then stoped playing also a little tutorial at the begining would be nice and how can people get passed the sickle throwing guys when you cant even shoot upwards idk it seems kinda dull- thanks for reading and good luck on your project
NES games didn't have tutorials. Figure it out on the fly or die, that's how we rolled back in the day.
nice game i liked the music but gameplay eh after u play 2-3 lvls you get bored it could use a little more excitement
if this game pass votes ill laugh my head off :)
Just another day in the life of a muscular guy trying to do his job by throwing people out of a party...
nice game i really enjoy playing it xD
Yes, play this game, play it for the love of anime.
nice one u got me :D thanks for the april fools xD
Age 34, What do you think?
Somewhere in the Balkans
Joined on 4/3/11