looks awesome m8 :O
looks awesome m8 :O
sometimes i wonder is it that simple i mean .... prepare for trouble ... and make it double ... 5 seconds later ...music from shooting stars play's in the background
-pats head- im proud of u Celia
woah nice :3 cant wait for the next one :DD
HB Pixie :D
Merry X-mas :)
Merry X-mas! :>
Looks like one of thoes 70' superman posters like in the comic books :D
hey its the Squid from wano intro :D
fallout new vegas was the best :D
kinda odd for a dragon to have fur but okay :)
Chinese dragons have always had fur! Lung dragons
Age 34, What do you think?
Somewhere in the Balkans
Joined on 4/3/11